Love our work?

Refer a friend.

Spark Identity referral program

Get $150 for every referral that becomes a Spark Identity client.

We appreciate every single referral and bit of support we receive as a small business. As a thank you, we’ll send you a $150 gift card to a business of your choice.

Here's how it works.

Refer a friend

Love our work and your experience with us? Let other business owners in your network know Spark Identity can craft a bold new brand or website to help them stand out.

The magic happens

Clients you refer reach out to us to see how we can best help them. If they become a client, you can bet you’ll see stunning new designs out in the wild soon!

Your reward

After your referral becomes a Spark Identity client, we’ll send you a $150 gift card to a business of your choice. Dinner, drinks or your next shopping splurge is on us!

Frequently Asked Questions